Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: PopChar Pro User's Guide Special Cases PopChaiF Prousesfairly sophis ticatealgorithmsto do its magic PopChaP Proevendeals with shor tcomingsof certainapplications. The following com pletelist showswhich applicationseauireds peciatreatmenin PopChar roandwhy 7.1. Microsoft Word, Power Point, and Excel Theseapplicationslon't have font menus PopChaProwatcheshe ont tpop-upmenuin the etoolbarin orderto determinehecurrenfont RagTime RagTimes| showsthe font namesusedin thecurrentlocumenat the top of thefont menu Thefontnamescontains peciainvisiblecharacterthatareignoredby PopChaPro 7.3. Adobe ulustrator Illustrator shows the font names in hierarchicalmenu with stylistic variants in submenusThefont namescontairinvisiblech haracterthat areignoredby PopCharPro. Evenworse Illustrator usesthe Pos tScri ...